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The future is built on motivation. The motivation to dream, believe, and achieve whatever it is we set our minds to do. However, not everyone is provided the same opportunities to pursue their passions. It is not the job of any one single company or person but a collective ‘we’ to each do our part based on the tools we have around us. As a business to interlace profit with purpose, create a culture of giving and lead with a global attitude is how we see our opportunity to engage. We see a future where individuals, communities and businesses who all are trying to make a difference look at each other knowing there is something more impactful to accomplish together. And companies who traditionally compete with each other in their respective industries, mutually see each other to find partnerships.

To maneuver in this manner is challenging but it’s a part of who we are and committed to progress. If we can make a financially healthy business and use our efforts to make the world a better place, we will help generations after us.

There is a need to redefine the purpose of business, where we focus the conversations around humanity, business and the planet. Markets will rise and fall, people will come and go and products and services will adapt to consumer tastes and market demands and that is why there is no finish line, we must not only start, we must plan to keep going because this is a journey.

Our Commitments

We can. We should. We are.

The business services we offer and the relationships we have in specific local communities have helped shape the commitment we have to focus on Culture, Community, and Climate. There is no finish line for us with our commitments. We are here to serve and to see change through collaboration and connectivity.


We believe that culture is not something we maintain, it is something we embrace. It changes, it is dynamic, and we strive to harness the continuous evolution of this energy as our collective companies grow.


We invest in supporting and developing the communities around us through better access to resources including youth programs, curriculums, and internship opportunities.


We leverage the skillsets and broad reach of our companies to collectively seek solutions surrounding wildfires, including strategic mitigation solutions.